Wondering if anyone has used a film product on glazing as a glare control strategy for this credit?
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NC-2009 IEQc8.1: Daylight and Views—Daylight
Wondering if anyone has used a film product on glazing as a glare control strategy for this credit?
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Seema Pandya
Sustainability ConsultantSLP
151 thumbs up
April 2, 2010 - 5:30 pm
Hi Holly, My guess is that a film would not cut it for glare control. When you look at the list of items suggested for glare control in the reference guide, all examples will directly block beams of sunlight from shining directly in a person's eye. If you were sitting at a desk near a window with film and the sun was at an angle that was shining directly in your eye, the glare would still be debilitating even with the window film. Film may also compromise the visual transmittance of your glass.