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Select the best type of sensor for each occupied space. Infrared sensors are best used in small spaces such as enclosed offices, as they are triggered by a heat-emitting body that crosses the sensor’s line of sight.  Ultrasonic-based occupancy s

Select the best type of sensor for each occupied space. 

  • Infrared sensors are best used in small spaces such as enclosed offices, as they are triggered by a heat-emitting body that crosses the sensor’s line of sight.  
  • Ultrasonic-based occupancy sensors are triggered by a disruption in the inaudible sound pattern they emit. They are best suited for spaces where direct line of sight to the sensor is not always possible—an example would be restrooms. 
  • Microphonic is another technology that is used by some manufacturers in lieu of ultrasonic. These sensors listen to changes in sound and learn the background noises to distinguish building system sounds from sounds related to human occupancy.
  • Dual-technology sensors combine these two technologies and have fewer false readings of occupancy, but they are more expensive.  
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