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First LEED-ND Platinum Certification for NYC at Columbia University

Columbia University’s long-term project plan for its 17-acre Manhattanville campus in West Harlem has earned New York City’s first LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) Platinum certification.

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LEED-ND forum

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LEED-ND forum

November 13, 2011

LEEDuser now as a single forum devoted to LEED-ND -- please post your LEED-ND questions and comments there. Thanks!

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Does anyone have any thoughts

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Does anyone have any thoughts

November 30, 2010

Does anyone have any thoughts on this ?


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LEED-ND certification resources

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LEED-ND certification resources

June 28, 2010

Amanda, I appreciate the vote of confidence on our resources, so I'm all the more disappointed to let you down in this case.
The LEEDuser team is planning development of support resources for LEED-ND, but we can't promise anything soon thats on the scale of what we've done for LEED-NC, EBOM, and company.
It's early on in LEED-ND, which is an obstacle for us as much as it is for you and others. Among other things, GBCI only has a LEED Online form for one credit, from what I know, so it's tough to say exactly how credit requirements will be implemented. There is also very little experience out there with the current version of the rating system, since all certified projects were from the pilot.
Keep us posted on what you find, and what you create—maybe it will be part of the seed for future LEEDuser support of LEED-ND.

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