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Air Curtains for a Fit-outRetail-CI-v4.1 MPR1: Must be in a permanent location on existing landposted by Dishant Khatri on Jul 29, 2024, 4:42 am
Hi, |
Healthcare-v4.1 MRc5- PBT Source Reduction- Mercury- Credit formHealthcare-v4.1 MRc5: PBT source reduction - mercuryposted by Don Jones on Apr 17, 2019, 9:37 am
Our major renovation project will use NO mercury containing lighting or devices. 1. Is there a template for this credit? 2. since our project is not healthcare, can we use this as... |
Modelling Hospital AdditionHealthcare-v4.1 EAc2: Optimize Energy Performanceposted by Eddie Roach on Nov 20, 2019, 3:10 pm
Hello all, I am currently working to create an energy model for an addition to be made to a hospital and am unsure how to go about modelling the heating system. New air handling... |
50% unboundHealthcare-v4.1 SSc5: Heat Island Reductionposted by Lene Hill on Dec 2, 2019, 11:31 am
What does unbound mean? How is unbound determined? Does a paver such as Unilock Eco-optilock meet that requirement? Does unbound refer to the % openings in the pavers or the void space in... |
Incorrect FGI referenceHealthcare-v4.1 EQc9: Acoustic performanceposted by John McFarland on May 19, 2020, 2:34 pm
For Option 1, the credit requirement refers to Section 1.2-5.1.6 and Section 1.2- in 2018 FGI Guidelines for Design & Construction of Hospitals. However, there are no such sections in... |
FGI GuidelinesHealthcare-v4.1 SSc7: Places of respiteposted by Aaron Kennedy on Nov 30, 2020, 1:13 pm
Does anyone have a copy of the 2010 FGI Guidelines regarding to wayfinding? Thank you, AAron |
Credit requirement Change from LEED 4 to 4.1Healthcare-v4.1 EQc6: Interior lightingposted by Andrew Rittenhouse on Jul 27, 2021, 9:12 am
In LEED 4 wording includes " In private rooms, also provide exterior window shades, blinds, or curtain controls that are readily accessible from the patient’s bed" This has been removed... |
carshare compagnyHealthcare-v4.1 LTc7: Reduced parking footprintposted by Priscillia Champagne on Feb 2, 2022, 1:19 pm
Hi, If the occupants use a car-sharing application to drive to work and the owner signs an agreement with the company that operates the application, can the company be considered a car-... |
Occupant Comfort SurveyHealthcare-v4.1 INc1: Innovationposted by Priscillia Champagne on Feb 3, 2022, 2:33 pm
Hello, |
Furniture and Medical Furnishing (product sourced-160Km)Healthcare-v4.1 MRc7: Furniture and medical furnishingsposted by Maria Kordjamshidi on Apr 6, 2022, 3:29 pm
I am woundring if the product sourced is not in 160 km of the project, no point will be assigned to the project from MRC7? |