The project we are working on as no 'densely occupied space' at all. Can we still apply to this credit? In this case I guess we fall 100% in the 'type 2' category isn't it?
Or asked differently: is there a minimum surface area that must be densely occupied in order to be eligible for this credit?
Thanks for your feedback.
Edit: I actually found a densely occupied space, sorry about that. I'm still interested in knowing the answer to this question.
Additional question: Are toilets included in this credit?
Edit again: found my answer, toilets are not included. sorry about the multiple edits.
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
December 3, 2013 - 8:50 am
The answer is no. If you do not have any densely occupied spaces then there are two possible requirements:
1. Natural ventilation - install CO2 sensors in every occupied space.
2. Mechanical ventilation - install an outside air flow meter for the OA serving occupied spaces.
Lauren Wallace
LEED Project Reviewer, LEED AP BD+C, Senior LEED SpecialistCertifications Department Manager, Epsten Group, Inc.
39 thumbs up
December 3, 2013 - 9:58 am
I wanted to piggy-back on Andrew's answer (which is 100% accurate) to point out that you may want to crosscheck what you are submitting under IEQp1: Minimum IAQ Performance. ASHRAE 62.1 will classify spaces as "densely occupied" simply based on the occupant density rates given in Table 6-1 of the Standard. If you are using these rates verbatim in your calculations, the review team may question whether or not there are densely occupied spaces within the project. Just know that you are able to calculate your ventilation requirements not using the default values in ASHRAE 62.1 if the spaces should not be seen as densely occupied. Hope this helps!
Valentin Grimaud
Thermal EngineerTERAO Green Building Engineering
43 thumbs up
December 3, 2013 - 10:38 am
Lauren and Andrew,
thanks for your reply, that was really helpful!