
To implement Advanced energy metering and Builidng Energy Management System (BEMS), Energy audit Level II was conducted.

Based on the Energy audit Level II. our result was as below:

  • Heating 13%
  • cooling 10%
  • Distribution(fan) 12%
  • Lighting 11%
  • Plug load 18%
  • Process load 29%
  • etc..

in the LEED Reference Guide it says meter major end uses that represent 20% or more of the total annual consumption of the building minus plug load use.

the Process load is 29% should this process load be metered as well? we had different opinions. they were...

1. Process load is considered as Plug load; therefore, Plug load(18%)+Process load(29%) should be excluded. then, the rest that becomes over 20% should be metered.

2. Process load is not considered as plug load; therefore, should be metered somehow....

At this point, metering process load seemed impossible since it is alot of etc energy usage such as elevator, pumps, etc.... this would decide whether we proceed with installing advanced metering or not.

Let us know your experience with installing advanced metering or knowledge on this!

Thank you