Hi there,
I would like to ask a question about this credit scope. We have EBOM Coca Cola factory project in Turkey. As a factory there are 2 main issue; one is production and then other is repairing old/broken refrigerators. This factory is consider at least 20 cities disturbing in Turkey. So they are response to recycling the old refrigerators which are on their considered area in Turkey. It’s mean 1000s of refrigerators
The factory has an huge deposit for these refrigerators. So all recyclable materials from production and recycling of refrigerators are calculated on this credit scope. But on review there is noted that; 'The refrigerators included in table MRc8-1 appear to be part of Coca Cola business and not part of the waste stream'. One more point we also included sugar sacks as an recyclable materials and some other sort of materials which are using on production phase in ongoing consumables.
The question is this, Should I resist to include all refrigerators on this credit scope or remove them? Then what shell I do about sugar sacks and other materials from the calculation of MRc7?
Thank you in advance,
Have a nice weekend
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Trista Brown
Project DirectorWSP USA
456 thumbs up
January 26, 2014 - 9:26 pm
Hi Taygun, it sounds like the reviewer would like you to remove the refrigerators from the MRc8 calculations. Double check the Technical Advice they provided - it should say whether they want you to remove them or not.
For MRc7, did the reviewer ask you to remove the sugar sacks and other materials from the calculations? You only need to make changes to the credit if they gave you a review comment about it.