Project sitework and stabalization techniques were implemented during the beginning stages of the project and followed our ESC plan as well as local jurisdiction requirements. We submitted our documentation for this project however the comment that was returned states that there needs to be record of this work from the dates we stated in PIf4 as beginning of construction and substantial completion of construction. Does anyone know if LEED defines "site work" for this credit? It is confusing because sitework to the contractor means a different thing than site work as in "work being done on the site through the life of the project" Can someone clarify this?
Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
188 thumbs up
January 23, 2015 - 8:07 am
Site work, as it pertains to erosion and sediment control, is earth disturbance...unstabilized that is not permanently stabilized with 70% perennial growth. Locally, an area of 1,00 sf -5,000 sf is typically applied before this is classified as qualifying site disturbance. However, for LEED, there is no such area requirement, as this applies to all projects
What does your contractor think "site work" is??
You'll see the requirements for this Pre-Req state that the plan must be in place for "all construction activities associated with the project."