Hello! I have an inquiry about a WE credit which I describe below:
At the WEp Indoor Water Use reduction calculator Tool Calculation, in the table "Flush fixture" and "Flow fixture" there is a column that refers to the percentage of occupants, my question is: which is the percentage with I have to fill the table in the case of men urinals? if we have already taken in to account the percentage of men that are able to use it in the part that ask “Percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals”.Thus, Do I have to fill the table with the same percentage in both?
The following is an example case:
If a Building has 8 women restrooms and 8 men restrooms that one of each has an urinal: The value that I have to use in “Percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals” would be: 1/8 = 12, 5%. Otherwise in the Flush column, fixtures would be:
Female toilet: 100% percent occupants.
Male toilet: 87.5% of occupants.
Urinal: 12.5% percent of occupants?
Am I right?
I will be very thankful If anyone can help me.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
Bipin Karki
Project Manager - Sustainability Division86 thumbs up
June 13, 2019 - 11:14 am
Hello Maria:
If all male restrooms have urinals then Percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals will be 100%.
The percent of occupants using each fixture, which should sum 100% for each fixture family. Male toilet, female toilet, and urinal should each equal 100% of occupants.
If there are no urinals Percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals will be 0%, and you do not need to report urinals in flush fixture.
If there are unisex rest rooms or some male restrooms do not have urinals then percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals needs to be adjusted as per requirements. Still urinal percent of use should each equal 100% of occupants.
If a project has multiple fixtures with differing flush or flow rates, the percent of occupants field would be adjusted accordingly to reflect the anticipated usage, but will still total 100%.
Hope it helps!