Hi, can anyone confirm if the volume is supposed to be for the baseline or design annual water use?
Forum discussion
Hi, can anyone confirm if the volume is supposed to be for the baseline or design annual water use?
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Lissa Spitz
Project ManagerA3C Collaborative Architecture
1 thumbs up
September 13, 2018 - 11:04 am
Never mind, sorry, I found it. It's baseline use.
Parker Hall
Lead Mechanical EngineerHoefer Welker
2 thumbs up
April 13, 2020 - 3:26 pm
Did you multiply the Outdoor Water User Reduction calculaotr's baseline gal/month by 12 to arriive at the baseline annual water use ? My understanding is that the basline gal/month is determined using the peak watering month. Also, most projects do not require any irrigation during winter. Is there a way to account for this, or am I misunderstanding the baseline gal/month?
Ana Maria Escobar Cardenas
LemayAugust 2, 2020 - 6:32 pm
Hello everyone,
Does anybody know if the water of a residential "dishwasher"' has to be counted for the water baseline of this pilot credit?
Thank you
Aliesa Adelman
Sustainability Program ManagerWendel
45 thumbs up
July 26, 2022 - 12:06 pm
We are about to submit the pilot credit, has anyone had challenges with review comments?