A large office building is being certified using LEED Core & Shell.

The building will have only one water supply source (municipal network). This water will be invoiced to the common services. Common services will supply water to all tenant spaces (3 - 5 per floor), that will be endowed with their own WCs.

Water Metering Credit (LEED v4 BD+C) implies the measurement of at least two of the following:

  1.       Irrigation
  2.       Indoor plumbing fixtures
  3.       Domestic Hot Water
  4.       Boilers
  5.       Reclaimed water
  6.       Other process water

As the Water Metering Credit does not describe any Rating System variation for the Core & Shell, credit compliance can be achieved without installing water meters for each tenant if water meters are installed to meter:

  1.       all irrigation uses
  2.       all boilers water make-up

Is this interpretation correct ?