We are doing a large LEED-CS office building. The owner will provide 2 large restrooms with extremely low water fixtures for tenant employees on each floor. In v4, it seems like regardless of this, we have to count all tenant space users as using "baseline" fixtures; a huge "ding". I recall reading somewhere that in LEED-CS v4.1 you would not have to do that. and that's partly why you can only achieve 4 points.
Can someone straighten me out on this?
Marc Mondor
PrincipalEvolve LLC
59 thumbs up
August 15, 2019 - 11:07 am
Hi Susan,
I believe this requirement is still in v4.1. Although C&S projects can only get 4 points for indoor water use reduction, there are additional points to be had under Outdoor Water Use Reduction and Cooling Tower and Process Water Use. It looks like GBCI redistributed the points to better align with C&S project goals.
For C&S projects, we go about this credit by including a LEED Lease Addendum with flow/flush rates called out. That way we can calculate the tenant water usage using the fixtures agreed to rather than the baseline.
Hope this helps!