I've been working with a subcontractor regarding the documentation requests for regionally based materials on a Platinum project. As a manufacturer of formulated products, there is not a lot of information I can supply without revealing formulary percentages or revealing information about our suppliers - and thus specific raw materials that may be considered as confidential business information.

The one piece of information I can confidently supply is a percentage range or upper bound concentration of municipal water utilized as a forumulary component. In order to make coatings that emit less into the occupied space and comply with VOC regulations, we have used new resins and active ingredients that allow substituting an organic solvent with water as the carrier solvent.

One problem: the subcontractor has been told that the water cannot be counted.

By a certain logic, a project in Texas could utilize a high build epoxy that contains 20% organic solvent that came from a refinery in Oklahoma can claim credit conformance for that raw material.

Conversely, it would appear that my companies' efforts to simply eliminate the organic solvent will not be rewarded or recognized.

Tristan and Nadav (or anyone): Any comments on this apparent paradox?