I am submitting for review a project outside the US, in Brazil.
The legislation of Brazil is very similar to that specified by ASHRAE 62.1. However, at the LEED Online I am instructed to prepare a new worksheet describing the service to credit according to local law, and may not use the VRP Compliance Calculator option or 62MZCalc spreadsheet. Would not it be more appropriate for the analysis team I ever use one of these presentation tools available? What is recommended in this case? Okay to me to continue the service through the VRP Compliance Calculator?
If I can use the VRP Compliance Calculator, should I mark "Is the project located outside of the U.S. and pursuing Option 2 or a local equivalent in Option 1?"
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
539 thumbs up
February 11, 2016 - 5:33 pm
you are allowed to use the 62MZ calculator, i suggest you use this to document the minimum ventilation requirements are met.