I'm currently working on a project regarding an office building. This office has several areas served by ventilators (exhaust and supply) that are not interlocked with the HVAC system (WC's, mechanical areas (water deposits, ex..)). My doubt is how should I account for the energy consumption of these equipments.
1_ Am I right to assume that these are process loads?
2_ Am I right to assume that they should equally be accounted in both the Proposed and in the Baseline?
3_ How do I account for the specific fan power for these cases? (I think that it should be as designed)
Please advise!
Thank you in advance!
Santiago Velez
ASHRAE BEMP HBDP - LEED GA, Building Performance ConsultantZonda
20 thumbs up
September 19, 2016 - 10:02 am
Hi, Pedro,
1. Yes. These are not part of your system fan power. Although I wouldn´t call them "Process loads".
2. Yes.
3. Yes. As designed for both baseline and proposed.
Santiago Velez
ASHRAE BEMP HBDP - LEED GA, Building Performance ConsultantZonda
20 thumbs up
September 19, 2016 - 10:08 am
You should model them and clearly identify them in the input spreadsheet. In "Section 1 4 Tables (Jan 2014).xlsx", int he airside HVAC section, you can find the following text:
"Report exhaust fans not interlocked with HVAC operation (such as parking garage ventilation fans, or unconditioned electrical room exhaust fans), and exhaust fans not required in the calculations (such as fume hoods applying Exception, or kitchen hoods operating independently of the building HVAC system) in Table 1.4.4"
These fan should be reported in the "Equipment" section.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
September 19, 2016 - 10:09 am
LEED refers to any energy load that is not regulated by 90.1 as a process load.
I agree, three yeses.
Ricardo Sá
Director of SustainabilityEdifícios Saudáveis Consultores (503 910 767)
86 thumbs up
September 19, 2016 - 12:24 pm
Thank you for your promt response, Marcus and Santiago!