I would like some clarification on how to calculate recycled content as the v4 Reference Guide is ambiguous, in my opinion.

For example, on p.274 of the ID+C ref. guide, Option 2 Example Calculation: MDF Panel..., the calculation shows ($10,000)(0.9)(0.8)(2 for location) = $14,400. Why isn't the (0.5 factor) for Preconsumer recycled content taken into account?

Also, why isn't it 100% of the product value, so $10,000 and not $7,200 or $14,400? On p.264 of the ID+C guide it says: Products meeting recycled content criteria are valued at 100% of their cost for the purposes of credit achievement calculation.

Also, it never actually says what the "recycled content criteria" are? Can someone please clarify where the criteria are listed?

Thanks in advance.