If my project is v4 and choose to use the V4.1 path for rainwater management, does the new point scoring also take effect? Basically my project has a meet the 95th percentile under v4 but if I submit the v4.1 credit path 95th percentile now scores 3 points instead of 2.
My thinking is I submit the v4.1 SSc4 under v4 as port of the beta testing, paperwork is basically the same just adjusted points system and score an extra point for my project not having to do anything more then some paper work.
Maria Porter
Sustainability specialistSkanska Sweden
271 thumbs up
December 16, 2019 - 6:49 am
My experience with using v4.1 is that there is very little extra paper work. Just press the icon on LEED Online so it turns blue and write in special circumstances that you have made a swap and what your documentation is.
For this credit, I just found a new calculator for percentiles in LEED Credit Library, taking into account the lower numbers (for zero-lot-line projects).
Also in your case, you would get 3 points instead of 2, and you wouldn’t even have to go for 95th, you could stop at 90th percentile.
Ryan Harrington
7 thumbs up
December 17, 2019 - 4:43 pm
I reached out to my LEED coach about this issue and they confirmed that if you go after v4.1 credits, v4.1 points apply. The only caveat is you need to fill out any updated forms/calculators. In the case of the rainwater management credit there is a new calculator which sounds like it doesn't have extra requirements just an adjusted scoring mechanism.
The Daylighting credit on the other hand looks like that calculator has been heavily revised and as such may effect your results transferring from v4 to v4.1.
Maria Porter
Sustainability specialistSkanska Sweden
271 thumbs up
December 18, 2019 - 2:45 am
Oh, I don’t transfer the whole project to v4.1, just the credits I prefer. Register under v4, but swap just a few credits (by pressing the blue Icon). But maybe that’s how you do it too?