I've been wondering about what could be main reasons of the change made in LEED v4 regarding rainwater. If anyone could enlighten me, please share your expertise. As a non-expert, this is my wild guess.
LEED v3 is using 1,2-year 24hr design storm (worst case). It assumes that it's inevitable for runoff to occur. As long as, it maintains or reduces existing condition's runoff volume/rate, it's fine.
LEED v4 is using 95th/98th percentile. Excluding worst cases, project is required to make sure that all of the rainwater should be managed within the site. (what about rainwater falling on the edge of a project boundary?). This requires installation of natural practices such as bio-retention, and for urban projects that can't accommodate such features, it will be hard to satisfy the credit, since building owners don't like dirty ground water to be collected and sent to the water tank in the building.