I am working on a project that was registered under LEED NC 2.2. Will the USGBC allow us to apply requirements from 90.1 - 2010 to the project instead of 90.1 - 2004? Specifically what I am interested in is the performance requirements for closed circuit cooling towers. In 90.1 - 2004 the performance requirements for a centrifugal fan cooling tower (which is what we have) is listed at >= 20 gpm/hp. While in 90.1 - 2010 the performance requirements for a Centrifugal open-circuit cooling tower is also >= 20 gpm/hp but the requirements for a centrifugal closed-circuit cooling tower is >= 7 gpm/hp. As I stated before we have a centrifugal fan closed-circuit cooling tower, so what I would like to do is apply the requirements from 90.1 - 2010 instead of 90.1 - 2004. It looks like the new requirements are more accurate than what the old requirements are due to the splitting of the requirement into closed and open circuits.

Thanks again!