If anyone can, I need an answer ASAP --
The project will be a new-construction Concrete Manufacturing Plant. The City is requiring LEED certification, but I'm not sure the project would even qualify. Building area consists of an office space (1,000 sf), and and adjacent/connected concrete batch plant (15,700 sf). The rest of the site (total 102,248 sf) is mainly parking for cement trucks, a wash-out building, conveyor structures, and some aggregate storage bays.
The office will have about 3 FTE, and there will be another 2-3 employees in the Control Room in the Batch Plant. The Control Room is a small area of one floor of the 5-story plant.
Would the entire Batch Plant building be counted in the square-footage ratio to meet the 2% requirement? If so, we should be ok. If only the office space and the control should be counted, then we are less than 1% of the total site.
I am not sure if the Wash-out building has any regular occupants-- I don't think so. It is a separate structure from the office/batch plant. Would this building be included in the Certification, or would we need to register as a Campus?
How does the Wash-out building and the site in general fit into the LEED boundary? My inclination would be to include the entire site, but exclude the Wash-out building, but I'm not sure the City will allow that.
Your expertise is appreciated! Thank you.
Dionisio Franca
DirectorWoonerf Inc.
30 thumbs up
December 19, 2016 - 9:19 pm
Hi Erica,
It seems to me that making a concrete plant to comply with the energy requirements will be very challenging.
I guess that you could either use a LEED boundary that is different from the actual site in order to comply with the MPR. I recommend you contact USGBC/GBCI and talk about your situation.
Erica Downs
LEED ConsultantThe Green Engineer
254 thumbs up
December 19, 2016 - 10:32 pm
Thank you Dionisio for the response. I have emailed USGBC a week ago, but per usual I have heard nothing. I'm not sure how they will meet the energy requirements either. Thanks!
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
January 13, 2017 - 2:28 pm
did you hear back from USGBC?
I believe you ought to be able to count the Batch Plant building, and not just the control room, because all the spaces are heated, lit, have plumbing, etc. You could probably register as a Group, with the wash-out building (how large is it?) and other structures accounted for, but not documented.
Curious to hear USGBC's response.
Good luck!