
My proposed building has a number of unconditioned spaces (per definition according to Appendix G):

- basement: storage and technical area, with mechanical ventilation (the same AHU also provides air to conditioned spaces)

- atrium/circulation area adjacent to offices, natural ventilation

How do I model these in the baseline building? As I understand it, fan power for unconditioned spaces is essentially a process load and should be modelled identically to the proposed building. Also not sure how to deal with naturally ventilated areas in the baseline building?

- basement: I can group the unconditioned, mechanically ventilated areas in the baseline building and model the fans identical as in the proposed. The fan load can then be counted as process energy in the baseline. However, in the proposed model, these zones are attached to a central AHU and the fan load would fall under regulated energy.

-> solution: Model as described, but count fan load under regulated energy, so a direct comparison between baseline and proposed is possible?

- atrium/circulation: identical natural ventilation controls in baseline and proposed, no regulated or process loads from HVAC in these spaces. Any equipment loads identical to proposed.

I appreciate your feedback!
