Until now, I have only seen monitoring systems connected to a BMS that generates an alert to the Facility Manager.
One of my clients is however asking if this alert could be generated by a LED or audio device located on the AHU itself (on the roof). Although this does not seem reasonable as the FM would need to be on the roof to hear or see the alert, it is not clearly specified in the reference guide that such a solution is not acceptable (from a certain perspective, it is a visible or audible alert).
What other types of alerts could be accepted for OA monitoring if there is no BMS for the project?
Tom Martin
Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC7 thumbs up
November 26, 2012 - 8:05 am
The spefic language for the credit is "Configure all monitoring equipment to generate an alarm when the airflow values or carbon dioxide (CO2) levels vary by 10% or more from the design values via either a building automation system alarm to the building operator or a visual or audible alert to the building occupants." Therefore I would not think that a device located on the AHU itself would meet the credit. Unless the LED or audio device was located in the space, so that the occupants where made aware.