I received a Review Comment questioning the availability of bus routes on the weekend as follows: "it appears that only one bus route is accessible on weekends. Due to the shuttle timing and availability of less than two daily bus routes, the credit is denied".

The idea is to have connection to transportion during the most frequent cummuting hours. The project has a shuttle from the university campus to a central Visitors Center where during the weekdays it connects to 2 bus routes. However during the weekends there is only 1 abbreviated bus route of which the campus shuttle does connect to. I should also mention that the campus shuttle does not run the full operating schedule as the bus route on the weekends.

The question then is if the campus is open on weekdays (Mon-Fri) i.e. regular commuting hours, and there is a campus shuttle which connects until the bus route stops running on the weekdays - why would the credit be denied because of an abbreviated bus line on the weekends?