I am pursuing certification for an existing convention center that is connected to a hotel. The hotel has a central plant that serves the convention center. This plant along with the entire mechanical system will be upgraded in both buildings during EAp2 Minimum Energy Efficiency Performance. The hotel is not under same ownership and will not pursue certification.
That all being said, I am struggling to determine when to perform the ASHRAE energy audits - before or after the mechanical upgrade? Since the central plant is located outside the project boundary, does that affect whether or not this system may be audited and commissioned? Does the planned commissioning need to begin before the upgrade?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Shane Mason
Commissioning Services Project DirectorEnvironmental Building Strategies
18 thumbs up
December 5, 2011 - 7:36 am
The answer to your question is really more of a timing one than anything else...
Are you pursing EA 2.2 or 2.3? Also, what does the PP look like in comparison to the upgrade schedule? If you go for EA 2.2 this will be something of concern considering that you must impliment any findings - you'll have to wait for both the upgrade construction, the audit, the associated findings and then come up with a plan for the no/low findings as well as a capital plan to deal with the lower value measures (and reasoning why measures were chose and others weren't).
In terms of Certification, the upgrade timing won't matter besides the ENERGY STAR score upgrade you may receive by waiting. THat said, you'd have to wait a substantial proportion of 12 months after the upgrade in order for Portfolio Manager to see those lowered energy bills and then for the average to come down as a result.
Does that make sense?