Time Set Point Not Met Tolerance is 0.2°C ( ... DOE had specified a tolerance of +-0.5F for this...energyplus has a default of 0.2 degC). Am I justified in relaxing this tolerance on a system that obviously cannot respond to fast and so accurately to flux in room temperature? Increasing the "Capacity" of the system will not fix this.
Should I then relax the tolerance on the baseline heating system also?
Michael Tillou
Director of Energy ServicesCannon Design
52 thumbs up
September 30, 2010 - 10:24 am
It is generally considered proper to keep this type of variable the same in both your proposed and baseline models if it generates an increase in the proposed building energy performance. The reason is that the rating methodology does not explicitly address how to make the adjustment. You could submit an exception calculation to claim the increase in energy performance so that the methodology, justification and savings can be verified by a reviewer. If the adjustment decreases the performance of the proposed design then I usually just include a sentance or two in the project narrative explaining what I have done and commenting that it negatively affected the results.