Our building will implement a stormwater harvesting system. 95th percentil of regional or local rainfall event will be retained in a rainwater collection tank and then used for flushing toilets and urinals. My question is, does this credit require us to use the collected water for some specific time period? In our case, the water will be used within 5 days.
Thank you for any suggestions.
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Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
187 thumbs up
November 12, 2013 - 2:20 pm
Jiri, there is no dewatering requirement that I am aware of. Work with your CE to provide an adequate bypass (or storage) in the event of back to back storms, or more intense storms.
Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
187 thumbs up
November 12, 2013 - 6:01 pm
You may also want to look at the SSc 6.2 forums where this has been discussed at length, along with some calculations that demonstrate the probability of back to back storms of particular depth as duration.
John Nichols
Director of Energy Analytics and Informed DesignMoseley Architects
3 thumbs up
May 7, 2014 - 10:59 am
We often have projects with the same rainwater reuse strategy as Jiri describes. Figuring out how to count these systems towards SSc6.1/6.2 and now Pilot Credit WEpc16 is not very straightforward. I think more guidance should be given to project teams using such rainwater harvesting methods. If there is a particular expectation for how quickly the captured rainwater must be drawn down, it seems like this should be communicated in the credit requirements?