An existing building will be under major renovation and we plan is to get it certified.
For technical and administrative reasons, the project completion may take around 7 years.
Once the project is registered, is there a time limit before which certification must be achieved?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
September 20, 2019 - 9:20 am
Mario, there is no ticking clock on a specific project once you have registered.
The thing to be aware of is the "sunset date" for a LEED rating system. If you wait too long, the entire rating system will shut down and no long be available, and you'll have to upgrade to the next version of LEED.
That date is based on the last day of registration for a LEED rating system, and this has not been established for LEED v4 or v4.1, so at this point, I would not worry about it even with 7 years ahead.