
we are working on some projects where general lighting is controlled by occupancy sensors (manual on/automatic off type) and are considering the inclusion of task lighting (mostly desk lamps, connected to power outlets). 

Do task lighting fixtures need to have automatic control as described in section 9.4.1 of ASHRAE 90.1-2010 (automatic control)? 

Installing automatic controls for task lighting (e.g. a sensor for each lamp) increases largely the initial investment and results in long payback periods (e.g. only 5W LED lamps in each fixture). This may disencourage the implementation of this enerfy efficiency measure. On the other hand, receptacle automatic control already guarantees some level of control. 

Which control devices need to be installed, as a minimum, to meet the prerequisite EAP2:

- manual switches?

- automatic clock control (time switch or BMS)?

- occupancy sensors (manual on or auto on)?

- daylight control sensors (if close to windows)?

Thanks for your support!