Further to a preliminary review of project located outside the U.S. we are asked to provide a summary of findings relating to the generation of the project building site Energy Utilization Index identifying a target index and the potential cost savings that might be met by achieving the target index. However, the project meets EAp2 using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager tool. Additionally, according to EAp1 LEED Online form: “If the project team has used the ENERGY STAR's Portfolio Manager to perform the comparison of the energy use intensity against similar characteristics, the EA Prerequisite 2 documentation may be referenced from the ASHRAE Level 1 data upload, and #1 and #2 above do not need to be explicitly included in the ASHRAE Level 1 data upload”. It is noted, that unless using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager Tool, the target index cannot be calculated since using the Target Index Finder alone does not allow to use non-U.S. weather stations.

From our understanding we need to submit the Statement of Energy Design Intent (1 page pdf document) from the project profile within the Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Is this the only documentation required?