high savings in auxillary power
we are modelling a 18 storey office block in Sap Paulo and getting some results we wanted to cross check, as we doing the energy model for the first time...
Description of the model:
Our proposed building has 30% less Energy DEMAND than the Baseline building.
The proposed building uses a fan coil system with minimum fresh air provision. The baseline model utilises a PFP VAV system (no.8 according to ASHRAE classification).
Fresh air flow rates between Baseline and Proposed buildings are the same – i.e. around 7.5l/s/p.
Both Buildings have heat recovery and similar SFPs.
The proposed building uses a rather mediocre Air Cooled chiller – COP of 2.8 - whilst the baseline building uses a highly efficient Water Cooled Chiller – COP of 5.5.
The problem we are doubtful about is:
The proposed building’s auxiliary energy Consumption is around 80kWh/m2, whilst the Baseline’s auxiliary energy consumption is around 400kWh/m2 – i.e. 500% more.
Does this sound NORMAL ?
What kind of auxiliary energy CONSUMPTION (kWh/m2) is reasonable for a VAV system with PFPs doing 7.5l/s/p fresh air? Of course there will be some recirculation, but can this justify 5 times more energy consumption spend on auxiliary?
Thanks for the help in advance
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