1. Where can I find the surface reflectance values for some common materials like gypsum boards, ACT ceilings etc. I can't seem to find it listed in the product documents from manufacturers. Is it possible the info is under some other name? If we have a room with the ceiling / walls/ floor finishes documented in the properties browser (but the carpet is not modeled, does the Revit Plugin Insight factor those in?
2. We are using Insight Plugin in Revit for daylighting analysis. The plugin has a drop down menu showing methods / thresholds for doing daylighting analysis. One of the options is LEEDv4 EQc7 Opt1. Do we need to model the manual blinds and shades in all regularly occupied areas, while running this analysis. And we are using automated shades if ASE is higher than the threshold. Do we need to model those as well? I am curious to know if Insight plugin follows the procedures for shades / blinds even if they are not modeled? Their LEED workflow doesnot say anything about shades / blinds.
Thanks in advance,
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
August 2, 2018 - 9:12 am
You would use the reflectance of paint and not the gyp board. Also weird that the reflectance for ACT tiles are not shown on the manufacturer info. It would not be on the SDS but should be on a cutsheet or on their website product info.
You need to include blinds in all regularly occupied spaces used in the cals. Yes, Insight for Revit does do this. I cannot say the specifics on it and it would be best to contact Autodesk about the specifics or one of their training videos on your user account.
In regards to automated blinds with ASE. You will run the standard ASE calc. If it exceeds the 10% but fall belows 20% you will need to just supply the information in the submission demonstrating that you automated shades installed. Again i don;t know if there is an option within Insight to set up a automated shade run.
Kavita Karmarkar
Architectural DesignerPerkins Eastman
August 8, 2018 - 3:39 pm
Thanks Todd! Do you know if we need to actually model the blinds at every window in the revit model, while running Insight for Option 1?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
August 9, 2018 - 8:12 am
I do not know with Revit. I know with others importing into Revit to insight that you need to creat a blind layer.
Max Krueger
Sustainability SpecialistHord Coplan Macht
5 thumbs up
August 9, 2018 - 4:52 pm
In areas with ASE 10%-20%, do the blinds have to be automated or can they be manual?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
August 10, 2018 - 8:39 am
They must be automated. LI 100002149 clarifies this. https://www.usgbc.org/leedaddenda/100002149
Baha Sadreddin
Global Technology Leader of Building PerformanceJacobs
3 thumbs up
January 14, 2019 - 6:26 pm
My understanding is that spaces with 10%-20% ASE do not necessarily need automated shading and a narrative could explain how the space is designed to address glare. With automated shading any space (even above 20% ASE) would become exempt from the requirement.
" Spaces with an ASE1000,250h score greater than 10.0% and less than 20.0% are acceptable with a narrative describing how the space is designed to address glare. Additionally, spaces with an automated dynamic façade system* OR spaces smaller than 250 square feet are exempt from the ASE requirement. The ASE value must still be calculated and reported. Projects meeting an ASE1000,250h score less than 10.0% for the entire daylit area are eligible for an exemplary performance point."
Todd, any comments?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
January 16, 2019 - 8:08 pm
Reading LEEDv4.1, it just states to provide a narrative for how the space is designed to control glare when you have an ASE greater than 10%