The Green Education Foundation (GEF) offers a great curriculum that uses the building as a teaching tool - see PDF available online, (click on the "green building" tab). This program is in it's pilot stage, but I don't think you have to participate in the pilot program - looks like you can just use the materials. You will notice that the lesson plans included here are for Kindergarten -2nd grade, but a full range of grade levels should be available very soon.

This program is nice because it offers a full 10 hour/15-lesson curriculum, complete with a teachers manual, unit plan, pacing guide and all lesson plans. All of the lessons (in the K-2nd curriculum) use Science, English, and Social Studies.

If I had this resource when we started this project, it would have been a HUGE time saver... I think you still need to involve your design team in the curriculum development, but this is a great resource, whether you use it as a starting point or as a plug-and-play curriculum. I'm assuming LEED-Schools will accept it, since it is being developed in partnership between USGBC and GEF :)