Hello everyone,

we are looking at the feasibility of doing LEED for subway stations. Each station will be subject to separated certification.
I have some concern regarding the exclusion of the subway tracks in-between each stations, i.e. the portion of the tracks comprised between each station. As stated in this MPR, "the LEED project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building,
including all land that was or will be disturbed for the purpose of undertaking the LEED project.". In this case, I would believe that this is the other way around, and that the stations actually support the normal operation of the subway line, and not the contrary (the subway line - track - support the normal operation of the station). Still, I'm not totally sure about that, as the stations would not have any purpose without the subway line, thus preventing their "normal operation" in a way.

Anybody have any thought on that?

Thanks a lot!