I was wondering how to determine the regionality of stones as granites, marbles and others. These kind of material chain is composed of at least 3 suppliers, begining 1st with the extraction supplier, who takes huges stones blocks in one state (most of them more than 500 miles). After the extraction, a 2nd supplier from another state buys this block and cut it in various slices (sometimes more, other not than 500 miles). And finally a 3rd supplier processes the slices to fit in our project needs (shape, size, roughness, others). This 3rd supplier is always within 500miles from the project.
The question is:
1) as we buy the produtc from the 3rd supplier that is regional, I understand that the product is manufactured regionally. Do you agree that this interpretation is correct?
2) About extraction, as there are 2 other suppliers I understand that I can only consider regionality if both (extraction 1st and process 2nd) are within 500 miles. Is that correct?
Thank you
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
November 14, 2011 - 10:53 am
Juliana, it sounds to me like this product is manufactured but not extracted regionally. That would allow you to get partial credit under CI MRc5.