Hi all,
can anybody explain me what is the starting point of LEED certification?
For example, the client has already done partial demotilion of the old building (debris were recycled but the ESC plan was not in place) and now he starts construction and renovation of the old building. Furthermore, he decides that he wants LEED certification after the demolition is done. Can the project team decide when the LEED certification process commences?
1. LEED certification starts after the demolition (no points for MRc2 but still chance to achieve SSp)
2. LEED certification starts before the demolition (points for MRc2 BUT real danger in SSp)

I know that the project should not be able to decide like this, but there should be some rule when the LEED certification starts. (property ownership date, the date when construction starts...)

Thank you for collective wisdom and explanation.