Dear community,
I'm struggling with writing the narrative for implementation of ESC plan. My main problem is that I'm not sure what level of details are expected. I think it will be very helpful if one of you guys who has submitted this narrative before can share with me what are the main topics (headings and sub headings) that you covered in the narrative and what specific details, diagrams and/ or calculations that you provided.
I'm not even sure if we have to provide calculations in the narrative. If it is not a problem with you please share a sample narrative (my email:
Thanks a lot!
Michael DeVuono
Regional Stormwater LeaderArcadis North America
LEEDuser Expert
188 thumbs up
November 27, 2013 - 12:03 pm
A proper Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan protects the site from accelerated erosion, and protects the receiving watershed from pollution resulting from construction activities.
An appropriate plan should/could include design and calculations for all E&S BMPs: sed basins, traps, diversion swales, seeding, sequence of construction, etc.
This isn't something that you just "wing."
I recommend that you consult with a CE or CPESC with experience in preparing the plan and narrative.
Jhoan Montano
QC ManagerEnviro-Q, llc
9 thumbs up
November 28, 2013 - 5:28 pm
LEED requires that you “Create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan…The plan must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements of the 2003 EPA Construction General Permit OR local standards and codes, whichever is more stringent”.
This means that, at a minimum, you must develop a ESC, a "SWPPP", per EPA’s NPDES General Permit. SWPPP contents are listed in Part 5. See the link below:
You must check the State requirements, since many States have been granted the authority to issue individual permits (e.g. New York’s “SPDES” General Permit – an NPDES approved state program). Depending on the jurisdiction, the SPDES could be “more stringent” and therefore, take precedence when preparing the SWPPP.