Are we able to use a shuttle run by building owner as an alternative transportation strategy?
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Forum discussion
EBOM-v4 LTc1: Alternative transportation
Are we able to use a shuttle run by building owner as an alternative transportation strategy?
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Dan Ackerstein
PrincipalAckerstein Sustainability, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
819 thumbs up
December 10, 2014 - 3:22 pm
This really depends on the nature of the shuttle service and what portion of the commute it replaces. The fundamental question is, 'Does the shuttle service meaningfully reduce emissions associated with occupant commute transportation?' Without getting into too many examples, there are two obvious ends of the spectrum - At one end you have situations like the 'shuttles' increasingly common in the San Francisco Bay Area, where private buses run by building owners (or tenant companies) collect occupants from points distant and deliver them at the office. Although some occupants certainly drive to the collection point, the mileage of their shuttle ride greatly exceeds that of their drive. For this reason, that kind of shuttle is clearly compliant. At the other end, I've worked with companies that run a shuttle to/from a remote parking lot (similar to an airport); obviously in that situation, most of the commute is by single-occupant vehicle and therefore that occupants trip should not be considered by 'alternative means' even though it included a brief period of alternative transportation use.
Hope that helps!