
We a have a project where we are planning to locate the long term bike parking in the parking garage structure adjacent, within the 100ft distance requirement from the rear functional entrance. We would also like to locate the showers in the same location as there is no space inside the building. The parking garage is not within the LEED boundary but borders our site and is accessed across a 28ft wide walkway which runs between our building and the parking structure.

The only language for shower requirements I can find is they have to be “on-site” or “if space for shower and changing facilities is limited, free access to on-site shower facilities or health club shower facilities within the LEED project boundary may be provided to all occupants in lieu of in-house facilities. health club or shower facilities must be accessible to occupants without their having to go outdoors and available during the project’s hours of operation.”

Given the shower facilities will be within 100ft of the building do you think they will be acceptable, even though the occupants would have to go outside?
