Posting here again hoping for more guidance.
Here's my situation.
We have Building A, B and C. Building A is going for LEED Silver, while Building C is going for LEED Certified. Both are separated and also connected by Building B (non-certifying building). All three buildings are owned by the same entity, and connected via a pedestrian bridge. Building A houses all the parking, offices, canteen facilities. Building C is mainly a production facility. Would registering the project under Campus benefit the both the buildings? Can Building C still get the parking credits, although the parking are located in a different building (Building A)?
Erin Holdenried
Sustainable Design DirectorBell Architects
46 thumbs up
April 4, 2022 - 12:10 pm
Parking credits are one of the few credits where it be located outside the "LEED Boudnary" and you can still apply it towards a LEED project. Because you want to use the parking towards mulitple LEED projects, you may have to create a Master Site for the parking credits. GBCI can sometimes be strict about "double counting", even though parking is often a shared amenity. I would send an email to LEED coach to see if you can apply the shared parking to both projects without it "double counting", or if you have to create a Master Site.