I am working on a project that has a small, separate generator enclosure/ maintenance building. It is not connected to the building, and it is not conditioned or ventilated. The maintenance building potion is essentially a storage area, and is about 370 SF. The generator enclosure portion is about 425 SF. How should these areas be included?
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Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
April 17, 2016 - 10:48 am
David—Page 26 of the MPR Supplemental Guidance says that a project team can treat any non-LEED-certifiable building within the LEED project boundary essentially as an extension of the certifying building and include the non-certifying building in all relevant credit and prerequisite calculations and submittals.
Therefore, you may include the interior portions of your maintenance building in your project’s gross floor area and the building footprint. (If some areas are unroofed, or enclosed only by fencing, louvers, or screens, exclude them.) Likewise, EAc1 energy models should include lighting and any other power used in this building, SSc7 calculations should include its roof area, MR credit tallies should include its materials, etc., as long as you include the building consistently in all documentation.