Dear all,
is for Option 2 Prescriptive a glare control needed for a seating area with self-service in a hotel, even if the VLT x WFR is so low, that parts of the rooms had to be left out of the lighting zone? On the side of the design no glare protection is desired, but the floor area is too large to let it fall out of the credit completely. A simulation is only intended as a backup, but is not planned.
Regards and please excuse my bad english,
J Schütz
M.Sc.LCEE Life Cycle Engineering Experts GmbH
20 thumbs up
February 12, 2020 - 8:26 am
This question is raised by our project team in Germany, as such areas are not considered permanent workplaces here and the additional requirements resulting from the different classification by LEED, are questioned by the parties involved, e.g. architect and owner, so I would appreciate an answer that could help clarify the issue.