Dear All,

I have difficulties to define window groups for internal shading control when carrying out Option 1 (sDA) daylight simulation for a core and shell office building.
1. What is the best practice for this? In case of a hypothetical, rectangular floor plan with the core in the middle, do I need to create 4 window goups (by orientation) and assign the relevant grid area to each window group by connecting the corners of the core and facade? (resulting in 4 trapeze shaped analysis grid)
2. If a facade is long (i.e. 40 meters), do I need to further divide the windows on it into smaller window groups? (i.e. 1 group by 6 meters) – and so further dividing the grid area for a more appropriate shading control
3. Do I overcomplicate this shading control issue? I did not find any case study for core and shell projects OR any corner offices that would raise the same question as question nr. 1.

Thank you for your advices, unfortunately I could not attach a drawing to support my quetions.