
I have two questions:

1) We have a residential multi-unit project with approximately 100 units. All the individual units are naturally ventilated with openable windows. (ie. no HVAC ventilation system) What are the ETS requirements in this case? Will sealing the exterior doors of the units and prohibit smoking in the corridors suffice the requirements?

2) I do not understand the blower door test requirement. The blower door test is usually done to find the leakage rate of a unit for energy efficiency purposes. Typically the test equipment is installed on the exterior door blowing air into the residential unit to find leakage points on the exterior walls and windows. In testing for the ETS, my understanding is that we would like to prevent leakage to the corridors so the test equipment cannot be installed on the exterior door. Then it would make sense to install it in one of the interior doors blowing air into the zone that has the exterior door... But what if the corridor is pressurized and we have not installed door sweeps for ventilation purposes. In that case the blower door test will fail... So this is quite confusing. Can anyone help? Where should we install the blower door test equipment and to measure what exactly?
