I'm not really sure how the envelope should be input in baseline vs. proposed. Here is the reviewer comment "The LEED Summary report indicates that a single wall construction was modeled in both the Proposed and Baseline cases. However, this is unexpected in renovation projects. Additionally, it is unclear what constructions are renovated, which are existing non renovated constructions, and which are new constructions. Further, it is unclear whether the existing envelope conditions prior to retrofit were modeled consistent with the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Table G3.1.5(Baseline)(f). For all envelope assemblies located in spaces that were conditioned prior to retrofit, model the Baseline Case envelope U-factors, SHGCs, and F-factors using the existing conditions prior to retrofit. Additionally, clearly identify all existing renovated, existing non-renovated, and new constructions, revise the Proposed building appropriately, provide the revised LEED Summary, Library Members, and Space Entered Values reports from TRACE, and update the form and tables accordingly. Ensure that separate reports are provided for the existing renovation versus new construction envelope assemblies in Supplemental Table 1.4 for both the Baseline and Proposed Case."