The project I am working on is "complete" and the owner wants to submit for final LEED review. However, the PV has been delayed and not installed on the project. Therefore, as Cx Agent, we will not be able to commission/test the renewable energy. Can we still submit and write in our Cx Report a plan of action to commission it in the future, or does it have to be commissioned before we can submit?
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
April 30, 2019 - 1:51 pm
If the project has included the PV in the On-Site Renewable Energy credit then I would expect GBCI to require that it is commissioned prior to the final LEED application. If not, then I would expect that Cx is not required of the PV system prior to the LEED application.
Is the PV system included in the OPR, BOD, DD set, and CD set? If yes, then I would recommend providing a note to the reviewer that this system was removed from the scope of this project.
Hope this helps!
Rachel Manoguerra
4 thumbs up
April 30, 2019 - 2:36 pm
Yes it does! Thank you!
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
May 25, 2019 - 12:37 am
David has great counsel, as always. It is not clear to me how long until the PV is to be installed, if ever. As David said, if you are claiming energy use reductions and the credit, and the PV is not going to be installed within the next few months, then you would just note that in your report AND modify the other credits accordingly.
If the PV is delayed for a few months (I had a project that initially had to reject an alternate for the PV, but then during construction, a grant was awarded, so PV was added back in), then the situation is a little different. Then I would include a detailed description of the delay and the commitment by the owner to have the CxA complete the commissioning when installed. I have had success by fully informing the reviewers of situations like this and have not had big issues. Now, you have to be strategic and not overuse this technique. One system or a delay for some specific seasonal tests are all good and defensible...but lots of items or systems is just the project not being ready to submit!