Is the USGBC ever going to release guidance on recertification? I've been told for over a year and a half now to sit tight, because recertification guidance is on the way. I still have yet to see anything on the website. I've been project manager for a number of certified EB O&M buildings, and they are all requesting guidance on how to maintain their documentation and recertify. I've been telling them that guidance is on the way, but still nothing. All I've heard is that once you're certified, your Performance Period for recertification starts the day you are certified. Therefore if you were certified four years ago, then you need to collect fours years of data for any credits you achieved initially. Besides that, there is still a lot of gray area. Are properties expected to conduct Energy Audits on an annual basis? Do the ASHRAE 62 outdoor air readings have to be measured again? If so, how often, annually? Once during the performance period? Its become very frustrating waiting on guidance, and I'm afraid that it is hurting the Certification process. Without proper guidance, I fear that some of these properties will let some of the aspects go by the wayside. The market is out there for recertification. But without proper guidance from the USGBC, it is becoming difficult to keep these properties on task. If anyone can provide insight on recertification and recertification resources, it would be greatly appreciated.