Dear Srs, I hace a question about the ratio windows/walls in leed v4.1. Is for a building with two differents uses: 3.117 m2 of office and 13.472m2 of warehouse.
When we had modeled the windows of the proposed, we use the project details, perfect. The % of windows/walls are 2% for warehouse and 32,4% for office. A 9,6% total for the proposed building.
This is our first project with the ashrae 90.1-2016, and we had read the TAble G3.1.5.d that adress you to the table Table G3.1.1-1 to use a ratio windows/walls different for each use.
The Table marks 31% for office (465-4.650m2) and 6% for warehouse. I didn't found anyway that said you need to use the mininum of the two values (as the 2010 version). Then we use 31% and 6% for the baseline model, for a 12,3% fot whole baseline building.
I think this is a correct for the building with the ASHRAE 2016 version. with different % for the two buildings.
Now the LEED revision, ask us to use the minimum value beetween 40% ratio window/wall or the proposed value... as the 2010 version.
Which is the correct value for the LEED v4.1?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
June 23, 2021 - 2:38 pm
It appears to me that you have correctly interpreted the baseline window area. If your reviewer has indicated that you should change the window area I would submit a project team inquiry to have the reviewer take another look. Make your case as above.
Mark Terpstra
6 thumbs up
May 31, 2023 - 4:40 pm
What was the response from the reviewer?