LEED V4 BD+C (NC) project,
Case A: Project#1-A Building, the building roof and ground recovery rainwater (inside boundary) are stored in the rainwater recovery pool outside the scope of the project (outside boundary of A Building). Then this rainwater in the recovery pool is processed and sent to A Building for outdoor planting and watering and indoor toilet and urinal flushing. Can this part of water (rainwater recovery at inside boundary, store at outside boundary) be used as a water reduction calculation for the A Building “Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator and Outdoor Water Use Reduction Calculator” use of recovery water instead of potable water in this project?
Case B: We have two new buildings ( A Building and B Building) which will apply LEED V4 BD+C (NC) green building certification for each. The roof and floor recovery rainwater of A Building and B Building will be stored in the one rainwater recovery pool outside the two building projects. The rainwater in the rainwater recovery pool is treated and sent to the A Building and B Building for each outdoor planting and indoor toilets and urinal flushing.
Can this part of water (rainwater recovery at inside boundary, store at outside boundary) be used as a water reduction calculation for the A Building and B Building “Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator and Outdoor Water Use Reduction Calculator” use of recovery water instead of potable water in this project?
Paula Melton
Editorial DirectorBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
183 thumbs up
December 18, 2018 - 11:29 am
Hi, Ray! In this prerequisite, the use of rainwater does not come into play. Can you please re-post your question in this forum about the credit? Then I will see if the credit expert can answer this tricky question.