Hi all,

I had some confusion when I started documenting this credit for two different projects, so I reached out to LEEDCoach for some guidance in how to draw the boundary. In v3, we were accustomed to drawing radii from a main entry, but the credit language is different for v4, and it wasn't clear to me.
Just thought I'd share it here, as I know other people have asked the same question (outside of this forum):
"Thank you for contacting us again regarding LT credit: Surrounding density and diverse uses.
The Density radius is not measured from the center of the project site, but rather based upon an offset from the LEED project boundary. Please also note that measurement to basic services are based upon walking distance rather than a radius."

So, in short, your radius for calculations is an offset of your boundary and will likely end up being a weird shape, rather than a typical circular radius. Hope this helps others.