Hi Group, I have a project with only Radiant Floor Heating with Natural Ventilation. I have modeled both baseline and proposed with the baseline HVAC for cooling (the missing system). However, because of the large internal masses, the responsiveness of the radiant system is far slower than that of an air heating system such as in the baseline. This gives me 0 unmetloadhours for the baseline case, but 290 unmetloadhours for the proposed design case. Although I find the unmetloadhours in bounds at under 300, the differential with the baseline is more than 50. Increasing the capacity of the system has no effect, obviously...a radiant surface at max temp can only have a certain maximum heat transfer due to free convection limitations.
Q) is it therefore the "right" thing to do to include the heating system of the baseline to catch these small unmetloadhours? Or should I try and explain away the large deviation between designcase and baseline case for unmetloadhours for heating?